14 Day Beginners Guide to Hygge Living
If you’ve been following my blog for more than a week you’ve heard me talk a lot about the concept of a hygge living. What is hygge (hoo-gah), you may ask? Hygge is a Danish word that means a quality of coziness and contentment, embracing a slower more intentional way of living. If you like a more simple and restful life, but don’t know where to start, then please enjoy my 14 Day Beginners Guide to Hygge Living.
Follow these 14 tips for the next two weeks and you will be well on your way to a more intentional, cozy way of life. Once you get a taste of hygge you will never want to go back.
Oh, and don’t forget to download your hygge habit tracker on @hyggefamilyprints on Etsy – link below!

1. Relax with a good book and a cup of tea (or coffee).
You might be tempted to drink your morning cup of tea or coffee on the go, but that is not the hygge way. Slow down, take five minutes and take that delicious tea to the patio. Enjoy that time without your phone or computer. Just tea and silence.
2. Try a new recipe to eat at the dinner table.
Making food from scratch and eating at an actual table is very hygge. How many of us choose to eat as we are walking out the door, driving to work or sitting in front of the TV? Eating dinner as a family is one of the most hygge things you can do.
3. Take a long walk outside in nature.
Studies show that spending time in nature helps relieve anxiety, stress, and depression. I grew up in the middle of nowhere Kansas, so being outside was a natural pass time. There’s something about a long hike through the woods, the smell of earth and sound of wildlife around you. Go outside and take a walk! It’s highly underrated.

4. Make breakfast in bed for a loved one.
Have you ever had breakfast in bed? And I don’t mean a pop tart or bowl of ice cream as you sad-cry into a pillow. I mean a proper tray of homemade breakfast foods made just for you. If you haven’t had the opportunity, try it. Or better yet, bless a family member first thing in the morning.
5. Wrap yourself in cozy blankets and watch a classic movie.
Remember, a hygge life is a simple and cozy one. There is nothing more cozy than a big snuggly blanket and a movie with your loved ones. Make a pillow fort in the living room or a nest of blankets to lay on and make it an adventure.
6. Sort, clean and organize a closet in your home.
I recently wrote a blog post about the necessity of keeping your home clutter free. In this current time of social distancing and self-quarantine, there has never been a better opportunity to clean out the closets, cupboards, garage, attic and basement. Whatever area or room in your home that needs cleaning, do it now. Need more reasons why? Check out the 7 Reasons to Clear Clutter from Your Closets.

7. Send a hand-written card to a loved one.
Being separated from family and friends at a time when we need comfort and assurance is extremely difficult. Sure, we have Face time, texting and email, but why not try something new? Make and write in a homemade card to send to your loved ones. They will love the personal touch.
8. Pack a picnic and take it to a nearby park.
Don’t go stir crazy by staying inside for days on end. You can practice social distancing while also giving your body some much needed Vitamin D. Pack an easy picnic and head over to a park or nature preserve in your area. Just be sure to pick up after yourself when you’re finished! Hygge living is mindful living.
9. Go stargazing in your backyard or a nature park near you.
Speaking of mindful living, there is a vast universe waiting for you just outside your front door. With so many factories shut down and less cars on the road, smog is clearing from the sky. For the first time in many parts of the world, people can see the stars. What a blessing to be able to see the vastness of creation if only we remember to look up. Okay, existential moment over.

10. Choose and invest time in a new hobby.
Now that you are stuck at home and have a little extra time on your hands, it’s time to choose a new hobby. The trick is choosing a hygge hobby that does not include electronics. For example, you could take up painting or sewing, knitting or wood working. Read about the 10 Reasons You Should Make Time for a Hobby and make room in your schedule today.
11. Have a screen-free evening with family.
Hygge living is simple, and that means less screen time. Rather than scrolling through your phones this evening, choose an electronics-free activity. Board games, puzzles, crafts and long walks are all excellent ways to spend a distraction-free night with your family.
12. Clean out your car and wash the exterior.
Living hygge should saturate every part of your life, and that includes the car. Take time today to thoroughly clean out all the nooks and crannies in your vehicle. Too overwhelmed by the idea? Splurge a little to have it detailed. Remember, a clutter-free life is a peaceful one. Rid yourself of unnecessary chaos and clean your car.

13. Call a friend just to chat.
An unexpected call from a friend is such a blessing, especially when there is no agenda. They just miss you! Isn’t that a wonderful feeling? Spread that joy today by calling a friend or two just to catch up. If they aren’t able to answer, leave a thoughtful voicemail. It will make their day.
14. Write a gratitude and goals list.
We all need a little more positivity these days, so on the last day of your beginner’s hygge journey I want you to write a list of everything and everyone for whom you are thankful. Be detailed. Are you thankful for your label maker? Write it down. A good cup of coffee? Write it. Change your perspective and choose to focus on all the blessings in your life.

Thank you for reading the 14 Day Beginners Guide to Hygge Living. I hope it was helpful in starting your journey to a more hygge life. Remember these basic tips and you are well on your way. For more Hygge and Holy Spirit content, check out these posts below:
10 Reasons You Should Make Time for a Hobby
7 Tips to Create a Hygge Morning Routine
Hygge Home Tips: 7 Reasons to Clear the Clutter from Your Closets
How to Pack Hygge in Your Handbag
10 New Practices That Will Revolutionize 2020
Oh, and for all my organization lovers out there, don’t forget to download the 14 Day Hygge Checklist below.
Love always,