How to Create a War Room/Prayer Closet in Your Home
Creating a War Room has never felt more important than in this current season. There is great power in prayer, and it matters to God. In case you are wondering what a war room is, I am not talking about a place to plan a battle. Though, battles to begin and end on our knees in prayer. No, a war room is a prayer closet. It’s a place to go and be completely focused on the Lord. Are you curious how to create a war room/prayer closet in your home? Read below to discover how you can transform your home into a sanctuary for the Holy Spirit.

First, why do you need a war room?
There are many reasons why it is important to have a designated place to pray. I narrowed it down to four points I find the most impactful.
- Like I said above, prayer is powerful and it matters to God. James 5:16b says “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
- In an age when we are most distracted, it is vital that we strive for focus when we are spending time with God. Anything you can do to eliminate the noise of the world will help you center yourself on Christ alone.
- We are called to have devotion to prayer. Colossians 4:2 says “Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.”
- Jesus withdrew to a solitary place to prayer, and we are meant to be like Christ. Mark 1:35 says “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

So, how do you create a war room in your home?
1. Designate a closet or space.
The first obvious step is to choose a space in your home you can comfortably sit or kneel in prayer. If you have a walk-in closet, then maybe clear a corner. Do you have a large pantry? That can work. Whatever space you choose, make sure it is out of the way and spacious enough for your body.
At my old house we had a strange nook we didn’t know what to do with. That is until I realized it was the perfect prayer room (pictured below)! Unfortunately our new home is much smaller, so I don’t have the luxury of an entire closet. Make whatever space you have work best for you. The important thing is ridding yourself of distraction.

2. Think about purpose and design
It’s important to be mindful of distraction when you are building a war room. For example, don’t fill your closet or nook with blankets and pillows if you are prone to falling asleep in prayer. It’s okay to have cozy things fill your space, but know yourself. Will you be distracted by photos on the wall, or will that be helpful to you in your prayer time?
If you are concerned about sacrificing closet space, then think about this question. What is more important to you, extra closet space or more intimate time alone with God? Sure, you can have quiet time with the Lord without a war room. However, the purpose of a prayer closet is to sacrifice a bit of comfort and get focused on God. It will be worth it, I promise.
Don’t have closets at all, or live in a tiny space with several others? You can find a corner and create a prayer board to set up in that space. Get creative! Do whatever it takes to build a stronger more intimate relationship with Jesus.

3. Make the space cozy
Okay, so if you are not going to fall asleep mid-prayer, than don’t be afraid to make your war room cozy. Add a chair if you can’t sit on the floor. Lay a small rug or blanket on the floor to protect your knees. Put a few pillows against the walls. Whatever makes you feel cozy will help put your mind at ease. Think about lighting as well. If you close the door on your war room, will you be able to see?
Again, I want to reiterate if you are easily distracted by coziness then re-think the design of your space. The point it to not be distracted. Are you easily cold? Have a bad back? Just know yourself and design from there.

4. Surround yourself with inspiration
Write down key verses on note cards and tape them to the walls. Print photos of your loved ones and hang them as a reminder. Make lists of prayers and people to think about. I also encourage you to have a Bible, a journal and a pen or pencil in the space.
Try and keep all electronics, including your phone and ipad, out of the war room to limit distracting texts and notifications. In fact, you might consider placing a small kitchen timer inside the prayer closet. It’s more than okay to get lost in prayer, but I know we all have schedules to keep and obligations to uphold. Whatever time you have available to spend in prayer is just as important, whether that be two hours or 15 minutes.

5. Schedule time for prayer
Speaking of schedules, it’s so important to add time in the war room to your calendar. Do not forget this step. I don’t know about you guys, but I am so easily distracted. Just a second ago while I was working on this post I saw a snap chat from my sister about how wonderful my grandpa is, and I had to take a minute to watch her video.
If you are easily distracted or lose track of time like I do, then be sure to add time in the war room to your calendar. Like my old boss always says, “If it’s not on your calendar then it doesn’t exist.” Again, know yourself. Do you need to wake up early to pray first or does it work better for you to spend time in prayer once the household is asleep? Maybe you need to make time on your lunch hour. Whatever works best, remember to prioritize prayer.

Thank you so much for reading How to Create a War Room/Prayer Closet in Your Home. There is such power in prayer, and during this season it is vital that we lean into God’s healing hands and trust in His plan for our lives, the nation, and this world. I’d love to see your completed war rooms, so be sure to email a photo when they are ready. Oh, and don’t forget to download a War Room Scripture list below.
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40 Day Harry Potter-Themed Devotion Series
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As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.
Love Always,