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21 Ways to Keep Your Life Organized

Staying organized is about being consistent, not perfect. Living clutter-free doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In fact, being organized can improve your life in more ways than one. These 21 Ways to Keep Your Life Organized will help you find balance between chaos and harmony. Oh, and don’t forget to utilize the organizational printables on the @HyggeFamilyPrints page on Etsy.

21 Ways to Keep Your Life Organized

1. Wash the Dishes Immediately After Use

Don’t wait three days before tackling the dishes. Rinse them and place them in the dishwasher as they are used. This will save you so much time and effort in the long run.

2. Put Your Clothes in the Hamper

Don’t just drop your laundry anywhere. When you change put your clothing in the hamper or hang it back on the closet. Put things where they need to be and you will save time looking for them or collecting them later.

3. Sort the Mail as Soon as You Collect It

Speaking of collecting, take the time to sort your mail as soon as you pull it from the box. Don’t keep a pile of random junk mail. I guarantee you don’t need 98% of what is in your mail pile. This will also save you from missing important documents and bills.

4. Prepare Food Once a Week

Spend a few concentrated hours a week preparing meals. Cooking meat is what takes the longest, but if all your meat is ready to go then dinnertime will not be so much of a hassle. You could even prepare freezer meals for larger family meals.

5. Look at Your Calendar Once a Day

As humans we are forgetful. Check your calendar once a day to refresh your memory not only about what is happening today, but this week or month. Don’t allow appointments to be forgotten because you didn’t keep track of your calendar.

To download a printable calendar for 2021, check out @HyggeFamilyPrints on Etsy!

6. Clean Out Your Purse Once a Week

We ladies know our purses can get a little out of hand. Every week when I clean out my bag I find all sorts of things I forgot I even carried with me. Sometimes I discover gift cards or spare change, and that’s a bonus! Clean out your purse to keep your life organized.

21 Ways to Keep Your Life Organized

7. Make Your Bed

A clutter-free life can mean less stress. Clutter affects your ability to focus, can cause depression, cost you time and negatively affect your health. Making your bed is a good first step to staying organized.

8. Clean Your Closets

Speaking of clearing the clutter, it is important to keep your closets clean. It helps your health and productivity. Learn more about the 7 Reasons to Clear the Clutter From Your Closets from this previous post.

9. Keep Your Car Clutter-Free

Once a week take the time to clean out your car. Dirty cars have been shown to cause accidents or distractions while driving. Taking ten minutes a week to tidy your vehicle could save your life. Learn more reasons why you should clean your car here.

10. Sort Medicine and Vitamins

At least once a year it’s important to sort through your medicine cabinet for any expired medications. You’d be surprised what you find. It can be dangerous to take expired medication, so this task will not only keep you organized by save you from possible illness.

11. Designate a Spot for Your Keys

Do you find yourself frantically searching for your keys before work in the morning? Find a centralized spot to place them every day to save yourself the trouble of searching. We have a wooden bowl in the living room for our keys.

12. Create a Home Checklist

It’s easy to forget about changing the AC filter or cleaning the gutters or replacing batteries in smoke detectors. Make your family a home checklist for any of those forgettable homeowner tasks and hang it on the fridge or in your office.

21 Ways to Keep Your Life Organized

13. Clean Your Refrigerator and Pantry

Accidentally eating spoiled food is no fun. Once a month you should take a half an hour and clear out any expired food from your fridge. Taking the time to organize your pantry every moth or so will also give you an opportunity to be reminded what ingredients you have. This will save you time at the grocery store!

14. Close Your Guest Room or Bathroom

If you aren’t using the guest room and bathroom, then clean the space and keep them closed. This way if you have a spontaneous guests you won’t have to have a last minute cleaning frenzy.

15. Keep the Dining Table Set

Do you have dinner as a family every night or enjoy having guests? Keep your dining table set with the basics to save you time at dinner. It also looks nicer when you walk by, which is an added bonus.

16. Take Time to Make a To-Do List

Every evening before you go to sleep take five minutes to write down your to-dos for the following day. Data dumping will help you sleep and prepare you for the following morning.

17. Get Rid of What You Don’t Need

Living minimally helps you stay organized, because the less stuff you own the less clutter there will be. Don’t cling to your possessions. It’s just stuff. Keep what is important and donate or sell what you can. More stuff doesn’t equal more happiness.

18. Communicate With Your Spouse/Family

Life can be busy and overwhelming, but don’t try and take on the world alone. Communicate with your family and let them know if you need help, what your schedule looks like and what needs to be done. It might be good to have family meetings once a week or schedule frequent date nights in order to focus.

19. Tidy Up Before Bed

Again, it doesn’t take much time or effort to tidy up the house just before you go to sleep. If you do a little tidying every night your house will not fall into disarray to the point of no return. Also, waking up to a clean house is lovely.

20. Resists the Word “Later”

Sure, you are busy. We all are. However, the perpetual use of the word “later” will leave you nothing but overwhelmed with an exhausting to-do list. Put the shoes away now, not later. Clean the stain now, not later. Don’t procrastinate yourself into a panic.

21. Give Yourself a Break

Life is NOT organized. I know, it defeats the purpose of this blog post, but life is messy. If things are not going your way, take a deep breath and take it one task at a time. Losing your head because the house is a mess will not help the house get clean. Breathe. Then find the beauty in the mess…. before you clean it, that is.

21 Ways to Keep Your Life Organized

Thank you for reading 21 Ways to Keep Your Life Organized. For more tips and tricks on how to make your home a little more organized and hygge, check out these posts below:

12 Unique Things You Can Organize While Social Distancing
Hygge Home Tips: 5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed
Hygge Home Ti
ps: 7 Reasons to Clear the Clutter from Your Closets
How to Bring Hygge and the Holy Spirit to Your Home Office

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love always,