4 Important Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family
Most mornings we eat breakfast together as a family, but dinner is less consistent. Our daughter is hungry early, my husband gets off work late, we need to run errands… and suddenly we are all eating at separate times. That inconsistency has been bothering me, because there’s something special about gathering together at the table. I decided to do a little research as to the benefits of eating together, and found these 4 Important Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family.
I now have a new resolve to make family dinners more of a priority, and I hope you’ll join us in reviving the beauty of family dinner.

1. Building Family Relationships
Sitting down together at the table builds stronger family relationships. It gives you an opportunity to talk about your day, share stories, or relieve frustrations. There’s such value in meeting with the people you love and speaking to them face to face.
2. Family Dinner Relieves Stress
Family dinner might sound like a chaotic event, but did you know studies actually show having dinner as a family can relieve stress? A study completed by Brigham Young University in 2008 showed that eating a meal with family reduced tension and strain of working mothers. Another study by the American Heart Association in 2022 showed that 91% of parents reported their families were “significantly less stressed when their families eat meals together regularly.”

3. Eating Dinner as a Family Develops a Healthier Relationship with Food
According to an interview I found by Jill Anderson and Anne Fishel on Harvard EdCast, eating dinner together as a family can help your Childs relationship with food. Family dinner at home can lead to better nutrition, reduced childhood obesity and can improve your family’s relationship with food. As someone who struggled with an eating disorder as a girl, discovering this information was incredibly eye-opening.
4. Family Dinner Fuels Creativity
We have found that when we make meals together as a family, it not only builds stronger bonds and helps us be a bit healthier, but it fuels our creativity. My daughter loves to use her kids kitchen tools to help us make new recipes. We get to experience new cooking techniques and foods. Cooking together is a wonderful thing I’ve been taking for granted, and am so excited to do more often.

Thank you for reading 4 Reasons to Eat Dinner as a Family. For more home and motherhood content, check out these additional blog posts:
Scriptures to Pray Over Your Kitchen Today
Scriptures to Soothe the Homemaker’s Heart
How I Created a Quiet Time Corner
Helpful Scripture for the Lenten Season
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