5 Reasons You Need to Slow Down
If you clicked on this blog post out of curiosity I want you to take this as a sign that you need to slow down. Do you feel like a hamster constantly running on a wheel? Stop, right now. I’m giving you permission to remake your life from the inside out. The truth is you don’t have to fall in bed every night in utter and complete exhaustion. Need more convincing? Then scroll down to see the 5 Reasons You Need to Slow Down.

1. Face It, the Time Has Come
Like I said before, if you are currently reading this post then take it as a sign from above. Allow yourself to look back on the last year. Was your schedule overwhelming, even when you had nowhere to be? Do you find yourself distracted and numb? It might feel like you have the world on your shoulders, but trust me. It’s time to be still. Give your mind and body a chance to recover from the chaos, and you will not regret it.

2. Slowing Down Might Save Your Life
Do you have back pain, migraines or trouble concentrating on simple tasks? Studies show that consistent levels of stress can lead to all manner of health problems, from high blood pressure to obesity and heart disease. The insomnia or unpredictable anxiety is your body screaming for help. Listen. Think about how you have felt physically in the last 12 months. Are you consistently ill? Taking stomach medicine every day? Your body is trying to tell you something. It’s time you listen.

3. You Are Missing the Point
God gave us the job of tending for this earth and caring for His people, but He didn’t create us to run our poor bodies into the ground working to please others. If you are falling apart over the amount of to-dos on your list then you are missing the point. Every day we should seek to honor and glorify God with our every breath. It is vital that you find the balance between having a servant’s heart and being a people pleaser. I could talk about this point all day, but for now I want you to really think about the point behind your constant labor.
Are you missing the point?
Are the 70 hours a week worth missing your baby’s first birthday?
Do you need money and success more than you need community?

4. It’s Good for You
Slowing down is beneficial not only to your physical, but to your spiritual and mental health. A little over a year ago I chose to transform how I approach my life. I was tired of running myself into the ground. I was sure there had to be another way, and sure enough… there was. Slowing down to take a break is good for you. Taking even a few days off work to disconnect can change everything. Trust me.

5. Life Will Not End
I know, it might seem like if you take time to slow down and recharge then your entire life will fall to shambles, but I promise you it won’t. When I was a receptionist at a busy office I thought taking a lunch would mean my department exploding into mayhem. But then one day I took that hour lunch and realized everything was okay. Life will not end if you take a break or choose to remove things from your calendar. People might be upset, but you can’t control the reactions of others. Life will not end. It’s time to slow down.

Thank you for reading the 5 Reasons You Need to Slow Down. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, hygge-filled life, take a look at our latest content:
14 Day Beginner’s Guide to Living a Hygge Life
7 Tips to Create a Hygge Morning Routine
How to Live Hygge Like a Hobbit
Hygge & Holy Spirit: A 15 Day Devotion Download
As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.
Love Always,