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8 Ways You Can Get Organized for the School Year Now

Full confession, I do not have children old enough to attend school. However, I have found myself day dreaming about the day my sweet little girl will be attending school for the first time. I keep thinking about her first outfit and her little back pack. Anyway, all that day dreaming got me thinking of how we can (eventually) prepare for the school year. It’s coming up soon! Read below to discover the 8 Ways You Can Get Organized for the School Year Now.

8 Ways You Can Get Organized for the School Year Now

1. Pray Over Your Kids

The most important thing we can do for our kids is to pray for them. You can prepare for the school year right now by praying over your kids, their teacher and class mates. Ask your child what he or she is most excited or nervous about. You know your kid. What might they struggle with? Pray specifically that God would help them and protect them throughout the school year.

2. Freeze Cookie Dough

One of my all-time favorite life hacks is freezing cookie dough. The school year will be filled with snack days, bake sales and play dates. You might need cookies for all sorts of reasons, but have no time to make them. Save future you a little time and stress by freezing cookie dough now. You can also freeze other baked goods for future snacks. Things like muffins and banana bread freeze beautifully!

3. Clean Out Backpacks

Remember to clean out those back packs from last year. You might discover all sorts of interesting treats inside that neglected bag. Or you may find you need to buy your child a new bag for the year. Better take a look at it now then find yourself in a bind the night before school.

4. Go Through School Supplies

Speaking of backpacks, another way to get organized for the school year now is to go through your school supplies. I know when I was in school we always bought the school supplies on the list, but then discovered we had left over supplies from the year before. You might not need all the things they ask you to buy. Save yourself some money by going through any school supplies you may already have and make a list of what you definitely need.

8 Ways You Can Get Organized for the School Year Now

5. Re-establish a Schedule

Are schedules even a thing in the summer? Summer means rest and relaxation, which often means later bedtimes and loose routines. In the weeks prior to school I recommend re-establishing a schedule with your kiddos. This is especially helpful if they are accustomed to sleeping in, but need to be up early when school starts. I was a bus kid, so I know the pains of getting up extra early. Re-establishing a schedule now might save you those growing pains later.

6. Buy a First Day of School Outfit

One of the best parts about the start of school – other than school itself and seeing your friends – is buying a first day outfit. Take your kiddo to the store and let them help you select their first day clothes. This will help give them a confidence boost and will give them something to look forward to on that first day back.

7. Talk About School

Another smart way to prepare for school is to talk about it. Talking through what changes are coming can be helpful for young kids especially. Try driving by the school building or discussing what classes they will take. Just making school a part of your conversation will help you and your kiddo feel more prepared.

8. Enjoy the End of Summer!

The last idea in my list of 8 Ways You Can Get Organized for the School Year Now is to enjoy the end of summer. The school year can be chaotic and challenging, but summer is for fun. Let your kids be kids just a little longer. Make a bucket list of everything you want to do together as a family before the school year begins. Then take the time to work on that list.

8 Ways You Can Get Organized for the School Year Now

Thank you for reading the 8 Ways You Can Get Organized for the School Year Now. For more exciting content, check out the blog posts below:

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Love always,