8 Ways You Can Start to Slow Down Today
Earlier this week I gave you the 5 Reasons You Need to Slow Down. I gave you permission to remake your life from the inside out, because your life doesn’t have to be a blur of constant activity. It can be so much more. So as a follow up to the previous post, below are the 8 Ways You Can Start to Slow Down Today.

1. Clean Up Your Calendar
Are you involved in multiple clubs and committees? Choose one or two of your favorite activities and remove all others from your calendar. Yup, I said it. Do less. Will people be disappointed? Maybe. But if you are feeling burnt out, then there is no way you are giving your best to every single group. The thinner you spread yourself the less of yourself there is to give. Narrow your focus and accept any backlash you may receive. Your health and well being is more important than being involved in everything.

2. Spend Time With Family and Friends
It might seem counterproductive, but community is a vital part of slowing down. So often when are addicted to our to-do list we forget to spend quality time with the people we hold most dear. Relationships suffer and the stress-spiral gets worse. Take time to reclaim those fractured relationships by removing unnecessary activities and replacing them with quality time.

3. Put Down the Phone
The time we waste on our cellphones and computers is astounding. So, after you finish this blog post (of course) try putting down your phone. Spend less time online and more time looking people in the eye, reading or going on a walk. There are more productive ways to spend your time then mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. Turn off the news and give your brain a break. There’s so much negativity you will be surprised how much better you will feel when you are not constantly absorbing content.
Bonus Idea: Pick one day or afternoon a week that is electronics free. No phones, TV, laptops or anything for at least a few hours. Give your brain a much needed detox from technology.

4. Make a Meal From Scratch
When was the last time you made an entire meal from scratch? If you live for take-out or the microwave, try preparing dinner for a change. Pull out one of your dusty cookbooks and choose a meal you’ve been dying to try. Slow down and savor every moment of the preparation and your meal will taste that much better. Oh, and it’s likely much healthier than the frozen meal you had waiting.

5. Spend Time in Prayer
There is nothing wrong with praying while you work. Prayer should never cease. However, there is something special about slowing down and quieting your mind and body for an extended time in prayer. Give yourself ten minutes, a half hour or even more and spend time with the Lord. Talk to Him and express everything you are thinking, worrying about, needing, or thankful for. Spending time in prayer is an excellent way to slow down and remember what is truly important.

6. Communicate to Others
Are you suffering from burn out? Then let someone know. There is no shame being overwhelmed when you are spread too thin. It doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human. Make a list of the people you trust most and communicate your struggle. Ask them for prayer and support as you change your life from the inside out. Don’t try and do it alone. Support is so important when choosing to slow down, and the people who love you will support the change.

7. Prioritize a Good Night’s Sleep
Often the first thing to go when living a hectic life is a good night of sleep. When you start to slow down, make a quality night of sleep your top priority. Aim for 8 hours. Buy yourself a real pair of pajamas (trust me, it helps). Read a book before bed rather than looking at your phone. Data dump all your to-dos on a piece of paper and then relax. A good night of rest will transform the following day.

8. Remind Yourself Why You Started
The process of slowing down will be jarring at first. It is not easy to sit in silence when you are used to moving 20 hours a day. If ever you want to give up and give in to the speed of the world, remind yourself why you started. Living a simple, slower, hygge life is a process, but it’s a process you will not regret. Start to slow down today, but give yourself a little grace and time. Anything worth doing takes time.

Thank you for reading the 8 Ways You Can Start to Slow Down Today. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, hygge-filled life, take a look at our latest content:
5 Reasons You Need to Slow Down
14 Day Beginner’s Guide to Living a Hygge Life
7 Tips to Create a Hygge Morning Routine
Hygge & Holy Spirit: A 15 Day Devotion Download
As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.
Love Always,