How to Make Mornings More Manageable As a Mom
Confession: I used to be a morning person. Used to be. But motherhood has officially taken all the get up and go out of my system. Unfortunately, my daughter is a morning person. She’s ready to start her day at 7:00am no matter how much sleep mama got the previous night. That being said, I’ve had to adjust my mindset and discover How to Make Mornings More Manageable As a Mom. If you are currently in the midst of that new mom struggle, you have both my sympathies and support. I hope these tips help you adjust to those early mornings.

1. Shower at Night
I love to shower in the morning. It starts my day off right feeling clean, awake and fresh. However, it has become painfully obvious to me as a new mom that taking a shower first thing in the morning is just not possible. Like I mentioned before, my girl likes to start her day at 7:00am. If I wait for her to have her first nap, I might not shower until noon. If at all.
Out of necessity I moved my shower routine to the evenings when my husband is tending to our daughter and I can fully focus on a little me-time and self care. If you are currently struggling with how to make mornings more manageable as a mom, I recommended switching to night showers for awhile.

2. Set Out Your Clothes
Something I have no time to think about in the morning is what to wear. Having my outfit picked out the night before helps me to be prepared for anything. Especially if I am hoping to get in a short workout. Think about what you have on the schedule for the next day and lay out the clothes you will need down to socks and underwear. Less to do first thing in the morning means more sleep, and who doesn’t love more sleep?

3. Maximize Your Morning Routine
When I say maximize your morning routine I do not mean make it longer. I mean be inventive. Some days I have enough time to read my Bible or post an update on Instagram. Other days I forget to even eat breakfast. I’m learning to maximize the time I do have. When my daughter is breastfeeding or doing her tummy time in the morning, I try and listen to a sermon on my phone or spend time in prayer. That way I am still getting time with Jesus. It’s important to me to keep that a priority, so I’m learning to have my quiet time in a different way.
Listen to a podcast while you do the dishes. Catch up with family and friends while you make breakfast. Or simply take two minutes of silence all alone in the garage. Whatever you need to to to get ready for the day.

4. Pack the Diaper Bag
Do you have to be at a doctors appointment at 8:00am? Or drop baby off at daycare and run a few errands? Then pack that diaper bag the day before. There’s nothing worse that realizing you don’t have what you need in that bag right as you are about the leave the house. Whatever you will need for baby – from a pacifier to formula to an extra change of clothes – prepare it the day or night before. You will thank yourself later.

5. Prep Food
Another way to make your mornings more manageable is to prepare your breakfast the night before. My husband and I have started meal prepping on the weekends.That way we have nutritious options ready to grab at a moments notice.
For example, I make little super food smoothie packets that I keep in the freezer. All I need to do is add a little almond milk and throw my frozen packet in the blender. Wa-la! Healthy and quick breakfast. You could also try egg cups, muffins, or overnight oats. Whatever you need to have a healthy and energy-producing start to the day.

6. Get Ready for Night Feedings
Make your mornings more manageable by preparing for middle of the night feedings before you go to bed. I don’t just mean mentally prepare. Although, that’s important, too. No, I mean think about what you will need in the middle of the night that you don’t want to get up and get. Do you need a bottle of water? A snack? Clean bottles or pump parts? Whatever it is, get it all ready the night before so you have less to think about or find at midnight with a crying baby. Then you may be able to find your sanity the following morning.

7. Spend Time in Prayer
One of the most important ways to make your mornings more manageable is to spend time in prayer. Pray while you brush your teeth or change a diaper. Pray while you rock the baby or throw clothes in the washer. Ask God to give you patience, energy, and strength. Pray that He would saturate your day in His presence, because without Him you will not be able to push through. It’s true. You can’t do this alone. Thankfully we have a good good Father who would never leave us or forsake us.

8. Remember to Be Thankful
An early morning after a long and sleepless night can be miserable. Trust me, I’ve been there. I’m still there. Something I try to remember to do every day is to be thankful. I’m thankful our baby girl is healthy and growing. I’m thankful she wants to be close to me and that I am able to be with her all day because I work from home. If you are wondering how to make your mornings more manageable, try making a list of the reasons you have to be thankful for the morning itself, for motherhood and for your baby.

Thank you for reading How to Make Mornings More Manageable As a Mom. I hope I was able to bring you a little help and encouragement. For more about hygge living with baby check out these posts below:
20 Things I Learned in the First 20 Weeks of Pregnancy
Official Reveal: How to Create a Hygge Nursery
Pros and Cons of Pregnancy During a Pandemic
9 Nursery Organization Hacks for New Moms
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Love always,