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How to Focus Your Cluttered Mind

Motherhood and moving have turned my mind to absolute mush. I cannot tell you how many times a day I find myself staring into space, pleading my brain to remember what in the world I was just doing. It’s like I’m trying to clear the weeds just to get to the flowers. Have you ever felt lost in the noise of your own thoughts? If so, I hope this post will be of help to you. Below are my six tips on How to Focus Your Cluttered Mind.

How to Focus Your Cluttered Mind

1. Start Your Day in Prayer

My cluttered mind is unmanageable on days I don’t spend time in prayer. Before your feet even hit the floor, take some time to center your heart and mind on Jesus. Talk to Him. Let him know your worries and talk through what you have to do today. Hand it all over to Him and trust your schedule and your life into His hands.

How to Focus Your Cluttered Mind

2. Make a List

My go-to way of focusing a cluttered mind is making a list. When my brain is full to bursting, it helps to write everything down. Just get it all out on a piece of paper. Then you can break your tasks into multiple lists. Just remember to take it one thing at a time. Lists can become overwhelming if you look at everything all at once.

3. Ground Yourself

Another thing that helps me focused my cluttered mind is to ground myself. By that I mean physically touching the world around me. I press my hands onto a counter top or chair or even the stair railing. This practice is also helpful for moments of anxiety.

How to Focus Your Cluttered Mind

4. Turn off the Noise

Our lives are filled with noise. When your mind is full of clutter, try turning off all that noise. Turn off your phone and the TV. If you can, find someplace totally silent and alone. Some days that place is my garage or closet. Find a quiet place and breathe.

5. Close Your Eyes and Clear Your Mind

Once you are in that quiet space just close your eyes and clear your mind. If that means writing a list, then so be it. Write that list. Then once everything is on paper simply breathe and allow your mind to empty. Sometimes is good to clear your head every now and then. Once you’ve done that, it’s easier to take on your schedule one thing at a time.

6. Ask for Help

Something I have learned this past year and continue to learn is the importance of asking for help. If you are struggling with anxiety and How to Focus Your Cluttered Mind, then tell your loved ones. Communicate what you need. You don’t have to take on the world alone.

Thank you for reading How to Focus Your Cluttered Mind. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, hygge-filled life, take a look at our latest content: 

How to Live Hygge Like Harry Potter
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As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,