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Wonderful Winter Activities to Add to Your Bucket List

We are hoping to make our winter bucket list this week while on vacation, so I thought I would share a few Wonderful Winter Activities to Add to Your Bucket List. For some reason this winter season really snuck up on me, so I have no idea what I’m going to add to my list just yet. Be sure to send me a message on Instagram with your suggestions!

1. Make Homemade Hot Chocolate

My husband recently went to Washington D.C. and had the best hot chocolate of his life. I took that as a challenge and will be trying out a few new recipes this winter season.

2. Play in the Snow

One of my most fond memories is playing in the snow with my friends in college. Yep, I said in college. You are never too old to play in the snow.

3. Read by the Fire

Is there anything better than reading a good book by the light of a fire? In your pajamas? Drinking your homemade hot chocolate? I think not.

4. Bake Cookies

We always bake about a thousand cookies and treats in the winter months. Ronia is getting better at helping with the baking, so I am looking forward to that this year.

5. Make Soup from Scratch

I tried to make a soup recipe that was given to me by a friend and it was a fail. This winter, I’m determined to get the recipe right.

6. Choose Goals for the New Year

Some people don’t like making resolutions or goals for the new year, but I find it very helpful. What goals do you have for 2023? Maybe I should write about mine (once I think of them).

7. Read Through an Advent Book

We got a sweet advent book to read with Ronia throughout December. It’s so very important to remember the reason for the season. Our little book helps to keep the birth of Jesus at the forefront of my mind.

8. Go Christmas Shopping with a Friend

We don’t really go shopping in person anymore. Everyone shops online, but there’s something special about wandering around stores with a good friend. The conversation alone is worth it.

Thank you for reading Wonderful Winter Activities to Add to Your Bucket List. For more tips and tricks on how to live a more simple, hygge-filled life, take a look at our latest content:

Why It’s Important to Spend Time in Silence
How to Create a Peaceful Bedroom for the Best Sleep
Hygge Sleep Tips: How to Get a Quality Night of Rest
Hygge Home Tips: 5 Reasons You Should Make Your Bed

As always, if you have any questions feel free to send me an email or message me on Instagram. Follow @bestillandhygge on Pinterest for more travel tips and tricks and subscribe below for new content every week.

Love Always,